Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Gateway

Here's some images of that idea I was going on about:

From The Gateway (1)

From The Gateway (1)

I have a bizarre obsession with efficiency. The concept of my producing art to sell... its not... its not about several things. Its not really about money, that's what contract work is for. Its about the proliferation of visual ideas, in more of a way than just a passing glance. It is also about value. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to make alot of money doing this, but its not a "goal". I don't really have a goal with this, as it turns out. Its just an interesting project and a path to walk my feet down.

Anyway, I digress. I like the concept of "original works" but few people want to buy large canvases or expensive things, and those that do tend to want well, original works. So I'm experimenting with hybridizing. In this case, I've created 3 hue shifted variants of a print, burned holes to create an tiered effect, and layered it with 2 part epoxy. It took a few hours of time, but I'm very happy with it. I am EXTREMELY happy with the epoxy overall. I'm going to be epoxying many many more things in the near future... the "gazing through liquid" effect it has on the art is just very very satisfying to the eyes.


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