Thus, the CHUKART Etsy Store.

I found it somewhat strange attempting to describe the contents of my paintings in plain english. There has not arisen the need to do that until creating the copy for the items in the store, and I found it to be an amusing process.
Feel free to buy something for your grandma. You know she's into psychedelic death-heads from other dimensions.
I picked up a few of your medium over print pieces at dragon con this weekend and really enjoy them. The Nude Bathing is my favorite example of something beautiful paired with something disgusting. You make it look very natural, which seems fitting since most people are f*cked up in one way or another. I love the way you can use such vivid colors in your work while keeping the mood very dark and disturbing.This was my fifth year going to DC and you were the first artist I have encountered that appeared in a costume to reflect your work and I thank you for that. Keep up the excellent work.
Much Thanks... I found it strange that none of the vendors were in costume for the con. I am glad you "got" what I was trying to do, which was to dehumanize myself in an attempt to make the people browsing look at the art in a different way... The other artists suggested that maybe I was intimidating away potential buyers, but my thought was; if the costume was scary enough to drive a person away, there was pretty much a 0% chance of them buying any of my art anyway. I think that's how I prefer it...