Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Anatomy Occultus

Anatomy Occultus - the structure of Adam Kadmon This piece represents the first stage of an ongoing personal study of the Tree of Life and its metaphoric relationship to humanity as the microcosm and the universe as the macrocosm. It represents an initial step toward fusing together a wide body of interrelated concepts in my own mind, while also functioning as a permanent record of study. I'm excited to have a fair number of high quality limited edition prints, which will be available at my booth in the Art Gallery at DragonCon.

(1) a primal nothing/being or “Absolute” (Ayin/Ein-sof) (2) initiates a contraction or self-negation (tzimtzum), which gives rise to (3) an imagined and alienated realm (ha-olamot) (4) within which a created, personal subject arises (Adam Kadmon). (5) This subject embodies the fundamental structures, ideas and values of both God and the human world (Sefirot), However, (6) these Sefirot are inherently unstable and deconstruct (shevirat ha-kelim), leading to (7) a further alienation of the primal energy from its source (kellipot, Sitra Achra) and (8) a rending apart of opposites, resulting in the intellectual, spiritual, and moral antinomies and perplexities of our world. As a result of (9) a spiritual, intellectual, and psychological process (birur), (10) the ideas and values of the world are restored in a manner that enables them to structure and contain the primal energy of the Absolute, and complete both God and the world (tikkun ha-Olam). -The Lurianic Metaphors, Creativity and the Structure of Language


  1. A friend in Germany sent me an image of your tarot card. Wow! was my immediate reaction. So i did a search on Google Images. I found it alright by searching on "The Pentagram" with Anatomy Occultus. Quite a few images. One that I clicked on went to instagram and a link saying "if you want to know more go to Bluecohosh.com . . . so i clicked on that. COuldn't find your card anywhere or any mention of who you are . . . And I find this ALL THE TIME on Pinterest. People are posting artworks , with absolutely no accreditation for the artist or source. Anyway - rant over. Love this card. It's very special. Glad I found your detailed explanation for the meaning(s). And why am I being identified here as "unknown Google" when I am signed into my Google Account in this session?!!!. Very annoying and sucky. You can email me if you want at simon99richard@gmail.com or find me at Evolutionary Living Project on FB - I am the founder - though it's a FB Group. I just want to know if you have designed a FULL SET of these cards. I do hope so. My FB Page is Simon Bull Maroochydore, Queensland

  2. Hiya, Do you have any prints of this available for sale?
    I LOVE IT. You've done a great job. I'd love a document to accompany it with some definitions ..i'm thinking of doing one myself.
    Is this a poster size or a tarot card as the previous person suggested?
    PS (previous person if you're reading this: I live in Brisbane, are you a hermetician?)
